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Victor Santamarina

Lead Process Engineer


Mr. Santamarina currently serves as GreenTechnologies Chemical and Process Engineer. Mr. Santamarina has a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and is a S-4 Public Wastewater Licensed Operator. Mr. Santamarina has 37 years of experience as an engineer in the water and wastewater industry. He started his career as a Process Control Engineer for the Middlesex County Utilities Authority and worked his way up to Plant Superintendent of New Jersey’s second largest wastewater treatment plant where he managed over 120 employees and was responsible for a budget of $83 Million Dollars. Mr. Santamarina managed numerous capital improvement projects during his tenure at Middlesex County Utilities Authority before retiring in 2019. 

Since that time, he has worked as a consultant and Managing Engineer in private industry. Mr. Santamarina is recognized as an expert and leader in his field, and is a member of the Water Environment Federation. He has authored a number of technical papers which have been published by industry leading sources including:

Santamarina, V., 1992. “Solids Handling.” NJWPCA Technology Transfer Seminar. Tinton Falls, New Jersey.

Santamarina, V., et al, 1994. “Control of Odors, VOCs, and Particulates at the MCUA Chemical Stabilization Facility.” WEF Conference on the Management of Water and Wastewater Solids for the 21st Century. Washington DC.

Santamarina, V., Aiello, K., 1995. “Odor, Particulate and VOC Emissions from Thermally Dried Chemical Stabilized Biosolids.” WEF/AWWA Residuals Management/Biosolids Specialty Conference. Kansas City, Missouri. Santamarina, V., Flannelly, C., 1996. “Conversion of Oxygenation Tanks at MCUA.” WEFTEC 69th Annual Conference and Exposition. Dallas, Texas.

Santamarina, V. “Modeling and Optimization of a Municipal Treatment Plant Using EnviroPro Designer.” Volume 16 No. 4 Winter 1997 Environmental Progress Journal American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Presented at the 1997 AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, Texas.


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